Meet the staff: JoElle Johnsrud

biophotosjoelle Who am I?

My name is JoElle Johnsrud, I was born and raised a small town farmers daughter. I am a senior at UMD majoring in journalism with a minor in philosophy. I find myself in the addiction of getting spontaneous tattoos. When I was little I wanted to be the first female MLB Twins player, when that failed I decided on becoming a journalist.

My Lakevoice position:

Web Design Desk.

My Interests:

My favorite book is anything from Hemingway, my favorite movies are all 80’s movies or scary ones that make me fear say, “I’ll be right back.” I feel I should have been born a fish being I love spending every moment on the water. Being surrounded by my loved ones always accounts for my happiness. Lastly, exploring new places and discoveries makes for a great day for me.

Why Duluth?

I fell in love with Duluth the moment I saw the city lights coming down the rolling hills. I had never even seen Duluth until I came here in 2012 to check out the school. Walking around Canal and up the shore I felt it was what I had been looking for my whole life. Coming from a small town in mid-west Minnesota, Duluth felt like an escape to place I had never experienced before.

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