Meet the staff: Hallie Rogers

Hallie Rogers Who I am: I’m Hallie, and when I’m not devoting my life to my movie theatre job or my needy cat, I am usually writing. I have a strong interest in not only newswriting but memoirs and fiction.

Originally a music major, I have a very strong interest in arts journalism. When I’m not writing, I’ve usually got my nose in my Kindle. I read a lot as a kid, and so I think it’s only fitting that someday, I’m the writer that other kids are reading. My goal is to inspire more kids to become writers, fiction or nonfiction.

My favorite color would definitely have to be maroon. It’s got that nice warm tone without being in your face. My favorite cereal changes with every paycheck. If I’m especially poor I will break my fast on some granola, otherwise I will never hesitate to dig into a bowl of Captain Crunch.

Who I am to Lakevoice: I’m the co-managing editor. It is my job to kick people in the butt if needed, and also be there to help out with whatever needs to get done. I will also be going out into Duluth and producing my own stories.

Why Duluth?: After having a bad experience with my first college, I realized that Music Education wasn’t for me. I needed to be able to create, and because I’m no Beethoven, composing wasn’t in my future either. When I visited Duluth I fell in love. My father was in the Coast Guard, so until we moved to Iowa I was always surrounded by water. Having the lake nearby is really comforting. The arts are strong here, too. There is always a theater production going on somewhere, and when there isn’t, I can find a concert to attend. Duluth has everything I could ever want and I’ve never regretted choosing this city to be my home.

Got a story that needs to be told? Email me at or or follow me on Twitter @HallieSmalls

Meet the staff: Elly Power

Meet the staff: Alex Culp