Humans of Duluth: A day in the life of a florist

Angela's Bella Flora, a flower shop in Duluth, is located at 138 W. 1st St., and has been around for 12 years. Angela Stocke, the owner and founder of the shop, used to be a teacher and decided that the Duluth area was in great need of a florist. Angela's Bella Flora makes bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres for special events like weddings and also offers various classes to community members. LakeVoice photographer Shannon Kinley visited Angela's Bella Flora and has the story below. DSC02362








Angela Stocke, owner of Angela's Bella Flora, hand picks each flower and cleans it off to perfection before adding it to a jar. Angela makes sure to create each jar just a little bit differently from the last. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley




Angela Stocke, owner of Angela's Bella Flora, goes into the cooler to hand pick some more flowers she thinks will help complete her creations. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley


Angela Stocke, owner of Angela's Bella Flora, adds the finishing touches to her creations by adding personalized ribbons to the jars. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley


One of Angela Stocke's finished creations is ready to be displayed in the store after she calculates the price that the flowers need to be sold at. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley


Angela Stocke, owner of Angela's Bella Flora, tries to find space for her new creations throughout the store. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley




Once flowers are wrapped up and ready to be delivered they are loaded into Angela's Bella Flora delivery car. Photo credit: Shannon Kinley


Click here to see more photos in the Humans of Duluth series.

Humans of Duluth: This week's special issue

Humans of Duluth: Faces of Lakeside business owners