Sacred Heart Music Center hosts Southwire LP release show

Duluth-based band, Low, tweeted about the Southwire LP release show in Duluth tonight. "Duluth, go see @theSouthwire at Sacred Heart tonight. See history in the making. Actually BE THERE when the cat comes out of the bag!"

Southwire is just taking the stage right about now. Tickets are $5 at the door.

"Southwire is an alchemical mixture that began as a collaboration between a folk singer and a rap group. Jerree Small’s hauntingly beautiful voice and piano are the silk to Crew Jones frontman Ben (Burly Burlesque) Larson’s leathery bravado. Pretty, deep, and weird melodies mutate into spoken word poems and firebrand preaching. Heaviness and swing are applied by the rhythm section with Matt Mobely on bass and Sean Elmquist on drums."---Sacred Heart Music Center

This week's theme: signs of spring

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